Massage parlors and their online presence

Facebook recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. Before I start again with a kilometric academic essay about male-to-male massage parlors in Manila, let me say that a few of them has utilized the world wide web, Multiply (before its demise in 2013), Facebook, and other social media platforms to keep in touch with their customers.

It is important that spas should have an online presence — their main market are upwardly mobile and internet-savvy. Furthermore, it shouldn’t take a marketing analyst to figure out that a business being ubiquitous should have its rewards. (However, I won’t start with massage services that are entirely run online — it should have an article on its own.)

I myself have relied on their online presence, as it conveniently gave me an idea about their services, where to find them, what to expect, and of course, to see their “goods” — the boys.

Here are some of the male massage parlors’ online accounts (these may be updated):

Eaglenest Spa
Facebook (

Elysium Spa
Facebook (

Hilom Spa
Facebook (

Homme Spa
Facebook (

Lakan / Datu Spa
Facebook (

Lucky Charm Spa (formerly Hunk’s Touch Massage)
Facebook (

Onesimus Spa
Facebook (

Nature’s Green Spa
Facebook (

Paradiso Spa / Styx Spa (closed since 2012)

Power Gear Spa (formerly Boys of Bora and Ulysis Spa)
Facebook (

Uranus Spa
Facebook (

Xtreme Massage